
17th & 18th October 2024
The Waterside Bistro, 1-5 Waterside, Haddington, EH41 4AT
Leith Arches, 6 Manderston Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8LY

On Thurs 17th, please arrive for 14:00 for a 14:30 ceremony.

This will be followed by drinks and nibbles. Dinner will be served followed by more drinks and dancing, with an early night to keep fresh for the big party next day.

On Fri 18th, please arrive for 19:00 for 19:30 couple arrival.

This will be followed by drinks and dancing. Evening Food will be served later in the evening to stop folks feeling peckish.

As much as we love your little ones, we will only be including family children at the wedding, we want everyone to be able to relax and let their hair down.

Please RSVP by 31st July 2024.

City Cabs 0131 228 1211
Central Taxis 0131 777 7777
Uber (app download required)
It is strongly recommended that you book your taxi for your return journey in advance.

We look forward to celebrating with you!